Monday, May 19, 2014

Internal affairs

"If you are connected to your own internal being, it is very hard to be screwing and destroying and hurting another human being, because you'll be feeling what they're feeling..."
-Eve Ensler

In this world, it's easy to feel alone. In fact, sometimes, I feel left out, thrown aside, forgotten, and hurt. And these words aren't just emotions that run through my body whenever I'm alone; they've become a part of me and now, they have started to manifest. In this world, it's hard to find a friend. Someone who will always be there and someone who will wipe my every tears. You know that someone? They are magical and they appear at the snap of your fingers and in the blink of an eye. That someone is desired and truly yearned for. 
                     And as I stare out my bedroom window, I dream of a world that is perfect in form. Perfect in creation without confusion or harm. I think of a life, a life without hate. One in which we all love and appreciate. In this world, I've become tainted. By all this crime and all this hatred. It has finally affected what I thought couldn't be, it has mischievously reached out and touched the internal me.
And yet I refuse to forget who I am. A girl with a vision and a woman with a plan. I will fight this battle for as long as I live and continue to love, laugh, and live.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hope in the world

Have you ever laid back and thought of the world and the people in it? ...Well, I do that a lot. And what I've realized may blow your mind because there are many different things that I wish were reversible and some, I wish were erased from humanity. As I walked through the hallways at my ever so diverse high school, I moved confidently and swiftly-making bold, wide steps. Though it made the traffic in the hallways a little better, the main reason for my gait was to cover up the pain. The pain of being stared at and the pain of being laughed at. 

I honestly cannot remember when it started. It just happened... and I guess that I just accepted it in the beginning, which made me a pushover. Constantly, they would make fun, and simultaneously, I would cry. "How could anyone be so cruel?" I thought to myself every day. Why would people,coeval people, make fun of me, knowing the effect it had on me?

This is the world we live in. A humanity stained by the sins of two persons, but I have faith that we can all get better. We can change the lives of not only ourselves, but also our neighbors. Because, whether you agree or not, there is someone very close to you who is hurting and faith just might be the answer.

For a little more help and advice on faith, click the link below. Thank you